Congratulations Megan Funneman, casework services, Theresa Vogt, casework services, and Brittney West, human resources, who recently graduated from the Dale Carnegie leadership and presentation skills course. Each gained valuable insight into their strengths, honed their communication skills and learned leadership techniques to enhance their abilities.
Brittney commented, "Through the Dale Carnegie course I learned a lot in a short amount of time. As the recruiter for Stevens, I meet a lot of people and this class has helped me learn different tactics on how to remember names as well as conversation starters. We spoke a lot about dealing with stress and worry in our jobs and some practices to overcome that as well. By combining all of these principles the class covered we all are becoming better leaders in our jobs. I especially enjoyed that during the class we would get assignments we had to work on throughout the week and then report back to give a short talk on that. That really helped us by using these everyday things we should already be doing but by putting them into practice each week helps us retain and consciously work on them."
Theresa shared, "The Dale Carnegie Course was a great learning experience. Throughout the course, we were able to take the principles that Dale Carnegie created to help improve our public speaking, self-confidence, leadership skills, managing stress & worry and personal relationship skills. We were given the opportunity to apply the principals to our everyday lives and then report back on how it went and what we learned each week. Our instructor would push us out of our comfort zones in order to help us reach our goals."
Megan explained, "I truly enjoyed my time in the Dale Carnegie program. One of the biggest things we learned was the Dale Carnegie 30 Principles and how we can use them in life. They are all easy to follow, but as our instructor Brett said, “They are common sense but not always common practice”. That really stuck with me. In the first few sessions we each had to give one speech, as we went further into the sessions we had to give two speeches and then by the last session we gave three! Public speaking became easier with each speech. I never thought it would be possible for me to be able to stand in front of a group of people and confidently talk about any subject. This class has taught me so much about what I am capable of in both my professional and personal life."
Each of the course graduates appreciated the practical knowledge they gained. Thank you all for sharing your experiences from the class, and congratulations.
J.R. Elder, Travis Oaks, Megan Funneman, Theresa Vogt, Brittney West, Sandra Bushby